or--a married sister who wants out of the marriage. just grab this weeks lucky contestant and--job done.
i was the lucky contestant.
extreme abuse or non support how about mild physical abuse?
or as i know of, a sister who wanted a bigger house and left.
she also encouraged adultery sk she could move on.
or--a married sister who wants out of the marriage. just grab this weeks lucky contestant and--job done.
i was the lucky contestant.
https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/jehovahs-witness-child-abuse-sex-18717755 .
no collective regret or any acknowledgement that child sexual abuse had happened among jws..
i suppose they--the cult--are acting on legal advice: after all--if they did go down that route it would quite possibly open up a lot more lawsuits.
interesting video from carl benjamin.. apparently, some philosopher is arguing that 2 + 2 doesn't always = 4; sometimes it equals 5.. this is madness, utter madness.
i'm a scientist; objective reality does exist.
the existence of gravity isn't up for debate.
i suppose it depends on what the 2 + 2 are getting up to.
2 documents.
2020-08 instructions for new regular pioneers, s-236-e, in english and in spanish.time to grab the hair brush.https://docdro.id/ikgig7gpetra!.
are there still special pioneers--the ones that get paid ?
the final talk of the saturday afternoon online convention is given by lett, sporting a creepy looking combover, which for some reason, looks creepier than normal.
he talks about how those resurrected will need to come into line with a new moral code otherwise they will be destroyed.
he uses an example of gay people having to turn away from their inclinations even though they may feel that they are perfectly acceptable.. this demonstrates that the gb feel that being gay is a taught behaviour rather than an imperfect unnatural desire, otherwise they would be growing out of that desire as they develop towards perfection, as they teach.
thankfully this will never happen.
you will be resurrected.
but if you live one more day when armageddon starts you will die a horrible death with no chance of a resurrection.
makes sense to me!.
thankfully none of this will ever happen.
i keep hearing all of the things about "essential" people in this convid-19 virus thing.. well, i woke up this morning, did my morning poop, and just felt like i am essential.
i walked around my house while my wife was still sleeping, did the alexa thing to hear the daily text.
it made me feel good.
which 2 ass holes gave my reply a dislike ?
i keep hearing all of the things about "essential" people in this convid-19 virus thing.. well, i woke up this morning, did my morning poop, and just felt like i am essential.
i walked around my house while my wife was still sleeping, did the alexa thing to hear the daily text.
it made me feel good.
i would say your bowel movement was essential.
fermented foods may lower your risk of covid-19 death.
countries that consume higher amounts of traditionally fermented foods have lower covid-19 mortality rates.
according to german researchers, significant changes in the microbiome caused by modern life and low fermented food consumption may have increased the spread or severity of the disease.
Does booze count?
mandatory donations-2.
catholic church donation cards.
https://uploads.weconnect.com/mce/e114c448f4ab8554ad14eff3d66dfeb3965ce8fc/tithing%20pledge%20card.pdf .
just think--if none of the congregation put their hands in their pockets--the elders would have to. soon be no elders..then soon after--no congregation.